What began asPokémon Red and Green, a pair of games that released in Japan, grew into a trading card game, anime, and so much more. Pokémon made the leap to the big screen and has become a mainstay of the gaming industry. There's no telling what's in store for the future of Pokémon.

Chances are, you've played a few of the Pokémon games and will play another. You'll love these comics for their satire and comedic appeal. These comics are blasting off. Here are 10 Pokémon comics that will make you want to catch 'em all.

10 What It Feels Like by Meowstic

The second generation of the Pokémon games was arguably the most frustrating because of its legendary Pokémon. You wanted to catch 'em all, but with roaming Pokémon, it seemed to be more of a dream than a reality.

The above comic illustrates a fair point. Even if it exaggerates the difficulty of catching the roaming beasts, it does make it clear that catching an Entei isn't a cakewalk. Of course, Pokémon who are asleep cannot flee from battle. That doesn't mean that finding Generation II's legendary beasts is easy. Thanks to Meowstic from memedroid.com for this comic!

9 Go, Professor Oak! by Sephko

This meme is a bit outrageous, but for satirical purposes, it works on so many levels. One of Pokémon's most famous lines is used in this comic in a way that few expected. "I Choose You!" is what Ash Ketchum exclaims when he is about to start a battle.

It's quite obvious that Professor Oak is not a Pokémon. How could this comic be so ridiculous? Perhaps deep down, Professor Oak has always wanted to be a Pokémon. He wouldn't be the first to have had the dream. We'd like to give credit to sephko.com for this creative comic.

8 The Game Is Meant For All Ages! by Sam Hudson

Pokémon is supposed to be a game meant for all ages. That doesn't change the fact that many people interpret Pokémon's youthful undertones as something intended for kids.

There are mixed feelings for what it looks like and what it feels like to prepare for Pokémon GO. On the one hand, you're merely looking at your phone and playing a game. On the inside, it feels like your ten-years-old again and back with your favorite Pokémon. This comic from Sam Hudson sums it up perfectly.

7 Mommy Issues? by bobblaster

One mystery that has yet to be solved is Ash Ketchum's age. From Pokémon anime season to season, Ash's age stays the same despite years having passed. This everlasting age structure differs from the Digimon series, which had aging characters.

Ash's mom never celebrates Ash's birthday. This must make Ash feel sad. She dodges the question, even though she seems to be hiding some knowledge about his age. We'd like to give credit to bobblaster from memecenter.com for this comic.

6 A Comic About Pokémon Cats by LucarioOcarina

Lucario needs to stop being down on himself and look on the bright side of things. He is not the "3 fingered loser" that he believes. There is nothing wrong with having three fingers—or is there anything wrong with having four.

In the last frame of this comic, an arm comes into the picture. Unquestionably, this arm belongs to Mewtwo, one of the most powerful Pokémon in existence. Mewtwo is a symbol of power in the Pokémon world, which makes his appearance in the comic meaningful. Thanks to @LucarioOcarina for posting this comic!

5 Go! Toasteron! by chutzell

The Pokémon Company is either getting sluggish with their designs, or they believe that conventional designs will appeal to the public. Pokémon, such as Klink (a gear) and Luvdisc (a heart), are examples of simplistic Pokémon designs. Increasingly simplistic designs make us feel that a toaster with eyes could be a Pokémon. This comic strip isn't far off.

The tall grass is a dangerous place. Why would anyone want to venture into the wild Pokémon world when they could paint eyes on a toaster? "Toasteron" could be the name of a Pokémon. Thanks tochutzell from cheezburger.com for posting this photo.

4 Pika Pika by shrms

Depending on how you look at the Pokémon world, it can either be a cruel or happy place. Sure, like in any fictional microcosm, bad things can happen. Pikachu's initial design depicted it as an overweight, pudgy creature.

This design was seen in the PokémonTrading Card Game, as well as in the earliest Pokémon main series games. The new design of Pikachu shows a thinner version with higher energy. Pikachu's secret must be that it walks outside the Poké Ball, as it does in the anime. Thanks to shrms from funnyjunk.com for the original post.

3 Pokémon Logic Is Imperfect by portalfap

The real-world version of the Pokémon world is not as captivating as the Pokémon anime. At face value, Pokémon's plot doesn't make as much sense as we give it credit. It seems unlikely that any parent would allow their ten-year-old child to venture out in the world without an adult present.

Ash Ketchum finds himself in inhospitable circumstances in the anime series. Adults prey on children in the Pokémon world, which is why the plot makes no sense. Thanks portalfap from funnyjunk.com for the original post.

2 The Pains Of Being A Pokémon Trainer by JHALLpokemon

This hilarious comic strip explains what actually happens when a player is rushed to the Pokémon Center. Once all your Pokémon have fainted, you either whiteout or blackout (depending on the game). Losing to a trainer means that all your Pokémon have fainted. Does this have a profound meaning, or does Professor Oak hit you over the head with a sack of batteries to make you blackout?

The game doesn't do an excellent job of explaining, but the player might blackout because of the anguish over losing their Pokémon. Thanks to JHALLpokemon from DeviantArt for this hilarious comic!

1 Starter Pokémon Are So Overpowered by Mitch Laue

Someone needs to bridge the gap between starter Pokémon and the ones found in the wild. It's well-known that starter Pokémon are more powerful than their wild counterparts. With multiple evolutions, starter Pokémon receive significant increases in stats, making them virtually unstoppable in battle. Weedle is a three-stage Pokémon, but its stats are low in comparison to starters.

A Charizard against a Weedle is neither a fair battle, nor is it conducive to the well-being of Pokémon. This comic addresses how unfair and cruel the Pokémon world can be. We'd like to thank Mitch Laue from theoldreader.com for this Pokémon comic!

NEXT: What Type Of Pokémon Gym You Would Run Based On Your MBTI®